When you want to download a copy of your valid tax card or update your income information, the easiest way to do so is in Tax Administration’s MyTax-web service.
- Sign in MyTax (vero.fi)
- Click My taxes.
- Go to Individual income tax. There is your current valid tax card info.
- You can download your Tax card by clicking Tax cards and prepayments and scrolling down. Then choose Open tax card.
- If your income estimate is not up to date, you should request a new tax card. Updating your tax card is crucial when your true income is higher than the estimate that has been made earlier.
- Please note, the tax cards has to be for wages and salaries.
Always deliver your most recent tax card to Omapaja.
Deliver your tax card to us by uploading it to Omapaja’s invoicing system.
How to upload?
- Sign in to Omapaja invoicing system.
- Choose Tax cards from the menu.
- Click choose file.
- Make sure you pick the right file.
- Click Upload.