Is it possible to invoice as a light entrepreneur if I’m already running my own business

When using an invoicing service as a light entrepreneur, it’s important to know that payments are classified as wage income. This means that if you're a sole entrepreneur, the invoicing service isn't an option for you. Even if your sole entrepreneurship is on pause and has been removed from various registers like the employer, prepayment, and VAT registers, the Tax Administration still sees you as a business operator.
If you're looking to shift your focus to light entrepreneurship, you’ll need to complete the termination notification for your entrepreneurship on the PRH website. Additionally, if you're a shareholder in a limited company, it's worth noting that you cannot invoice your own company through an invoicing service, as this might lead the Tax Administration to view it as your limited company passing on its payroll responsibilities. You also can’t invoice for work completed for your own limited company. The good news is that you’re all set to invoice other companies, businesses, and clients as a light entrepreneur!